Annie Warburton Voice Over Actor UK

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VOX Awards Nominee: With 5 Nominations!

Somehow I have 5 nominations at this year's VOX Awards! ✨

Best HUMAN Performance in...

🎮 Gaming: for my lead role as Zoe in DigixArt Studio's Road 96: Mile 0. Produced by Yoan Fanise & Kevin Bard.

🛍 In-Store/IVR: ShopKind In-Store Message produced by Philip Rollett at Imagesound Group.

📻 Audio-Only Broadcast: M R Emmanuel Jewellers radio commercial produced by Rik Watson at White Label Studio.

📚 E-learning/Medical: Mental Wellbeing Training series produced for CGG.

💃 And Female of the year...for a compilation of various work thanks to a lorra lorra clients!

Thanks to all the wonderful people involved in the above projects I provided voiceover...goes without saying but I wouldn't have any got any noms if it wasn't for each of you.

I love how the focus on this year's awards is on very human, natural and believable voice performances. It's a strange time for so many industries with the rise of AI - including the voice over industry. But that's for another post...

I'm so excited for a rare night out with my fellow nominees at the awards in November, good luck everyone.