Annie Warburton Voice Over Actor UK

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One Voice Awards 2023 - Nominee!

I’m pretty bowled over to be on the shortlists again for both Female Voiceover Artist Of The Year and Gaming - Best Performance - Female for a second year in a row.

Alongside some industry heavyweights and, I’m proud to say, some of my lovely talented friends (full list in my categories below - what a list of talented women?!)

Thanks to all involved at the One Voice Awards - including the judges, so curious to find out who they are!

A huge thanks to all the clients whose work featured in my nominations (I’ll do a post covering all of those clients and end clients featured in my Female Voiceover Artist Of The Year submission soon) - including DigixArt for having me play as the adventurous US teen Zoe in the upcoming Road 96 prequel ‘Mile 0’ videogame- out in April.