Annie Warburton Voice Over Actor UK

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One Voice Awards 2021 - I’m on the shortlist!

Over the moon I've received 2 nominations for the One Voice Awards 2021 in the Corporate and E-Learning categories. It’s the first year I’ve submitted myself for the awards so it was a real thrill to see my name pop up twice. I'm looking forward to celebrating with other nominees at the awards in August (hopefully in person and if not then virtually!)

The One Voice Awards is basically like the BAFTAs of the UK Voice Over Industry, so I'm really honoured to be on the short list with nominees whose work I admire and look up to.

The last year has been a real journey for my voiceover business. I took the plunge of going fully self-employed straight after maternity leave and in the middle of the pandemic. Was that a bit risky? Yes. Am I a natural risk taker...erm, no! But I think it’s taught me to take more risks though moving forward.

It's definitely not been easy but I've remained dedicated to making it work and I'm thrilled where my passion and drive seems to have got me.

Here's to feeling the fear and doing it anyway...