Annie Warburton Voice Over Actor UK

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Made the BAFTA Breakthrough 2022 Longlist

Really chuffed to have made the BAFTA Breakthrough Longlist this year! With my lead role in Martha In Dead as the lead project I applied with. Really encouraging and pretty damn cool.

A couple of the guys from Wired Productions helped to support my application, which was really kind of them and without their help I wouldn’t have been able to apply in the first place.

I may not have made the final cut, but I’m definitely made up! It’s encouraged me to continue to pull my finger out and go for things, even when self-doubt and imposter syndrome scream ‘nah, no chance, don’t bother!’

I’ve got a couple a great roles up my sleeve from this year (TBA) and my biggest one yet booked for, I may well apply again next year. Onwards and upwards…