Annie Warburton Voice Over Actor UK

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Best Overall E-Learning Performance Winner 2021

I’m over the moon that I won the Best Overall E-Learning Performance award at the prestigious One Voice Awards UK! Finally got around to getting a picture with my award that now sits on my desk (emitting motivational rays when I need them the most on Monday mornings). Over 3000 voice artists/actors entered the awards so I was already thrilled to make the shortlist for the Corporate and E-Learning categories. To actually win one of them was amazing.

I’ve only been fully self-employed for a year so this was an brilliant way to mark the end of that slightly scary but rewarding year.

My win was for a Deichmann management training project which I recorded from my studio while being directed remotely by regular clients of mine - Die Stube in Hamburg. A big thank you to Christopher and Michael for getting me involved!